Terms and Conditions
By submitting this membership application, I certify that I am 21 years of age or older and I authorize Bounty Hunter Rare Wine & Spirits to process all orders/shipments with the supplied credit card, as well as agree to pay the charges when billed. I also understand that an adult signature will be required before the shipping agent will release the shipment. I am responsible for notifying Bounty Hunter Rare Wine & Spirits pertaining to changes to my billing address, shipping address and credit card information.
Auto-Renewal Terms and Conditions
I understand that my membership is under ‘auto-renew’ and will continue until I personally cancel it. I also understand that I may cancel my membership at any time by emailing customerservice@bountyhunterwine.com or calling my Wine Scout at 800-943-9463. If I do wish to cancel a club prior to charges and shipping, I must do so prior to the 15th of the current month.
Any cost incurred due to non-notification will be my personal responsibility. In the event that sufficient cancellation time is not afforded, I may receive and be charged for one club shipment before my cancellation request is processed.
I agree that recurring charges will occur as part of the automatic renewal process. These charges will incur upon the club shipment unless notified otherwise. The amount charged will vary due to the chosen club and the timing of the actual charge is dependent on the date of the shipment (IE: monthly, quarterly club subscription).